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$389,9004 Beds, 3 Baths2,711 sqft lot 12,197 sqftMLS 1004946592 Days on Market
$555,0003 Beds, 2 Baths1,120 sqft lot 7,406 sqftMLS 1004946542 Days on Market
2 Beds, 2 Baths1,000 sqftMLS 1004946552 Days on Market
$149,0002 Beds, 1 Bath1,112 sqft lot 3,485 sqftMLS 1004946522 Days on Market
$300,0003 Beds, 2 Baths1,436 sqft lot 7,841 sqftMLS 1004946462 Days on Market
$449,0005 Beds, 4 Baths2,887 sqft lot 33,542 sqftMLS 1004946442 Days on Market
$300,0004 Beds, 3 Baths2,069 sqft lot 10,019 sqftMLS 1004946382 Days on Market
$303,0003 Beds, 3 Baths1,746 sqft lot 10,019 sqftMLS 1004946332 Days on Market
$1,600,0009 Beds, 10 Baths7,096 sqft lot 1.14 acMLS 1004946372 Days on Market
$539,0003 Beds, 2 Baths1,952 sqft lot 5,228 sqftMLS 1004921852 Days on Market
$1,493,0964 Beds, 5 Baths3,971 sqft lot 43,125 sqftMLS 1004944752 Days on Market
$2,400,0004 Beds, 3 Baths2,196 sqft lot 17,424 sqftMLS 1004939432 Days on Market
$1,795,0004 Beds, 5 Baths2,528 sqft lot 13,068 sqftMLS 1004935792 Days on Market
$947,0003 Beds, 5 Baths3,693 sqft lot 24,830 sqftMLS 1004935552 Days on Market
$415,0003 Beds, 3 Baths2,429 sqft lot 13,940 sqftMLS 1004934872 Days on Market
$575,0003 Beds, 2 Baths1,285 sqft lot 5,228 sqftMLS 1004929372 Days on Market
$498,0004 Beds, 3 Baths2,970 sqft lot 27,008 sqftMLS 1004923822 Days on Market
$425,0001 Bed, 1 Bath1,120 sqft lot 7.43 acMLS 1004920002 Days on Market
$320,0004 Beds, 3 Baths2,207 sqft lot 6,534 sqftMLS 1004917382 Days on Market
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